Our Programs
DSRAD programs further six major goals

Economic Development/Cultural & Historic Preservation
Advance arts & culture as an integral part of the Downtown San Rafael economic engine that provides employment and supports the business community. Preserve and adaptively reuse cultural and historic assets.
Create job opportunities for local artists that could include public art projects, beautification, branding, placemaking and wayfinding projects
Support local artist and creative led businesses through collaboration, tax credits, and economic development strategies to attract new artist enterprises
Provide opportunities for adaptive reuse of current cultural and historic buildings that are underutilized, through arts and cultural programming and creative placemaking efforts

Arts Programming
Expand arts and cultural opportunities in all forms in the Downtown San Rafael community.
Expand and create new arts and cultural programming opportunities within existing district assets and expand to include other assets such as activation of public spaces and vacant lots and buildings.

Direct Artist Support
Prioritize support to the artists that make arts and culture possible, enriching life in San Rafael.
Through collaboration, identify possible funding opportunities for artists to engage in the planning and implementation of new and expanded programming

Community Engagement/Promotion
Engage the community to help shape and participate in the arts and cultural activities in Downtown San Rafael.
Increase civic participation through cultural and artistic programs and inclusive celebrations
Increase marketing and promotion to the broader community

Equity and Inclusion
Inclusion, diversity, equity & access.
Increase diversity by creating connections, collaborations and expanding opportunities for artists of color, people with disabilities, and other historically marginalized groups.
Provide opportunities for diverse and free programming that will attract underrepresented audiences

A busy downtown is a healthy downtown. Arts and cultural activities, when paired with shopping, dining, lodging and other unique assets, are strong foundations for marketing downtown San Rafael as a destination for visitors both near and far.
Stimulate more visitation through collaborative efforts with the local tourism bureau
Create a destination marketing strategy that promotes the District, district assets, activities and amenities